2: Python Basics - Variables and Functions#
1. Variables and Operations#
There are 4 main types of variables
int (integer)
float (decimal number)
string (string of characters)
bool (boolean)
x = 3 # type int
y = 2.5 # type float
first_name = 'Amine' # type string
z = True # type Bool
# Arithmetic operations
print('x + y =', x + y)
print('x - y =', x - y)
print('x / y =', x / y)
print('x // y =', x // y) # integer division (very useful for Numpy tables)
print('x * y =', x * y)
print('x ^ y =', x ** y) # x power y
x + y = 5.5
x - y = 0.5
x / y = 1.2
x // y = 1.0
x * y = 7.5
x ^ y = 15.588457268119896
# Comparison operations
print('equality:', x == y)
print('inequality:', x != y)
print('less than or equal to:', x <= y)
print('greater or equal:', x >= y)
equality: False
inequality: True
less than or equal to: False
greater or equal: True
# Opérations Logiques
print('AND :', False and True)
print('OR :', False or True)
print('XOR :', False ^ True)
AND : False
OR : True
XOR : True
Note: Comparison and logic operations used together allow to build basic algorithmic structures (if/esle, while, …)
2. Functions#
An anonymous function is a function created with lambda. This type of function is basic and is useful to be integrated in the middle of control structures or other functions. It is rarely used.
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# Exemple of a lambda function f(x) = x^2
f = lambda x : x**2
# Exemple2: g(x, y) = x^2 - y^2
g = lambda x, y : x**2 - y**2
print(g(4, 2))
The best way to create a function is to use the following structure: def
# Exemple: a function has a name, takes inputs (arguments) and transforms them to return a result
def function_name(argument_1, argument_2):
result = argument_1 + argument_2
return result
function_name(3, 2)
# Concrete example : function that calculates the potential energy of a body
def e_potential(mass, height, g=9.81):
energy = mass * height * g
return energy
# here g has a default value so we don't have to give it a value
e_potential(mass=10, height=10)
3. Exercise and Solution#
Modify the e_potential function defined above to return a value indicating whether the computed energy is greater or less than a limit_energy passed as the 4th argument
Solution :#
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def e_potential(mass, height, e_limit, g=9.81):
energy = mass * height * g
return energy > e_limit
e_potential(mass=10, height=10, e_limit=800)